It is becoming more frequent the attention of brands belonging to the fashion world to sustainability and transparency communicating how and what they are doing.
Here, in this sense, The Fashion Transparency Index comes to the aid.
For many years fashion companies have not communicated anything in
due to their own production processes, totally unconcerned with the attention they should have had instead.
It is not clear whether they did it on purpose to hide situations that we probably do not even want to know today or just simply if they had never thought of it but today the approach must necessarily be different.
Today, many fashion companies show an increasing attention to the sustainability of production processes and their products and a frequent desire for transparency.
Nowadays if a company doesn’t feel comfortable telling what it’s doing, where it’s doing it and how, it probably has something wrong or maybe even more likely something to hide.
Fashion Revolution (i.e. those who draw up the index) is a collection of designers, producers, workers and communicators. But at the same time academics, writers, business leaders, bands and sellers.
In short, a collective of people, a global movement with a specific vision: “they want a global fashion industry that preserves, restores the environment and values people in terms of growth and profit.”
It seems, for all intents, a revolutionary movement that really brings next important ideals, trying to change the world of fashion to change the world of fashion, trying to make it more and more current because people are clamouring for concrete and truthful answers from brands from which they will later go to buy.
And it is precisely this goal that becomes the starting point for the creation of an index that can analytically measure in a transparent way the various companies assigning different scores based on specific situations.
Analyzing the results of the index we can note that the first place is occupied by H & M, followed by C&A and Adidas-Reebok. Many of the manufacturers in the top 10 could be identified within the fast fashion, which could turn up your nose. How can a manufacturer occupy the first positions, despite the fact that its items are predominantly sold at a low price? Despite everything, obviously, they will not have fabrics and materials of excellent quality but they are very attentive to the sustainable perspective.
As for luxury brands, also in this field they are moving more and more in the direction desired and demanded by a loud voice: a clearly visible growth in the level of rankings and scores is obtained by the Gucci Group, Balenciaga and Saint Laurent.
Certainly the road to go is still very long, but the fact that many brands have, good or bad, decided to undertake it is absolutely a good signal, even if there are companies that in 2020 have totaled a score of 0 ranking basically in the rear.
Among these brands for example we find Jessica Simpson, Max Mara, Tom Ford and many others.
There is no doubt that global thinking is gradually changing; environmental sustainability is an increasingly debated topic (just think of how many people have bought an aluminum bottle in order not to use excessive plastic) and there is a need for concrete answers on all fronts.
Manufacturers and brands must increasingly take responsibility for what they are doing especially towards their consumers but also above all the world that loudly, today, demands more and more real and concrete answers.